Our Club News
Our Club's annual fundraising event, Canberra BuyCycle is on Sunday 13th October (9am - 1pm) at the fitters Workshop, Kingston.
All types of bikes can be listed for sale on the Canberra BuyCycle website in advance of the event - road bikes, mountain bikes, hybrids, e-bikes, cargo bikes, tandems - you name it, you can list it.
Bikes must be less than 15 years old and in good working condition. A $5 fee is charged to list a bike and the Club will take 15% of sale proceeds to use for local community projects. this could include the Ruby's House for Vulnerable Youth project, local school support to encourage STEM interest and the Rotary International Student Exchange Program.
Dig out your unused bikes now and list them online to see at Canberra BuyCycle and help us to support the local community - and give your bike a new lease of life!
Embark on a fascinating walk through the English Garden at Weston Park Yarralumla on a historical and environmental tour provided to the public for the first time. 
The Rotary Club of Canberra, Camellia Ark Australia and the Friends of Weston Park Nursery Heritage, invite you to discover the legacy of Thomas Charles George Weston (1866-1935) and the stories behind the remnant heritage trees and shrubs on the site, some over a century old. 
The tour has been designed by Rotary District Environmental Leader Dr Stephen Utick, a Visiting Curator of Theaceae at the Greater Sydney Botanic Gardens, and one of the world’s foremost experts on camellias.
When:  Sunday 20 October, Saturday 9 November, Sunday 10 November 2024.  Tours start at 3.00pm on each of these days.
Where:  Gather at the English Garden sign in the car park of the Yarralumla Heritage Nursery and Oaks Brasserie, Robert Bowden Grove, Weston Park Yarralumla.
Cost: $5 per person, $10 per family, pensioners and under 18 free, with proceeds towards park improvement. Bookings essential through 0421972287 or su.env.envoy@gmail.com and select your tour. 
Enquiries from schools welcome.
The Forester Memorial
Charles Weston
the English Garden in Spring
Thanks again to our amazing supporters across the ACT (and slightly beyond the border) who sponsored tickets for Circus Quirkus this year.
Some of you are annual supporters and for others, this may be your first time helping us bring joy and fun to those less advantaged in the region. Once again, over two days and four big shows, the audience was delighted with the onstage antics, creativity and skill of the CQ Troupe. 
We know the Troupe gets as much fun out of performing than the audience and we thank you for coming back again for another year.
Young and old, everyone enjoyed the shows, including our many Rotary Club of Canberra volunteers (some seen seen in the images here taking a short rest after their busy meet, greet and seat tasks) for their time and warm welcomes to all.
President Ash, Hugh and Lawrence
President Ash, Lawrence and PP Chris 
Thanks also the team at the Queanbeyan Bicentennial Hall, for their tireless support as well! 
Jonas has only recently landed back in Germany and this week we have welcomed the first of this years inbound Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) student for the District, Katharina.
Katharina is from District 1841 in Germany and is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kempten in the State of Bavaria. 
Katharina is staying with Counsellor Helen and Michael whilst she gets organised for her school term then she will move to her first host parents home - with Natalie and Jeff.
Club members Natalie and Jeff (first host parents), Helen (Katharina's Counsellor) and Michael were at the airport to welcome Katharina on her arrival on 11 July. 
We look forward to welcoming Katharina to our Club, to Canberra, the District and Australia!
On Monday 24th June, President Shawn Wilson handed over the role of President to incoming President Ash Marshall.
President Shawn summarised his year and presented a number of awards to Club members (see separate story).
The highest form of recognition a Rotary Club can bestow is the Paul Harris Fellow. It is presented to a Rotarian or a member of the community who has made an outstanding contribution to Rotary International. The Paul Harris Fellow Program was established by Rotary International in 1957 to show appreciation and recognise individuals who contribute, or have contributions made in their name, of $US1,000 to the Rotary Foundation.
The Paul Harris recipient goes above and beyond in serving our community through promoting change and understanding.
In recognition above and beyond contributions to our Club in the last 12 months, outgoing President Shawn bestowed a number of Paul Harris Fellow (PHE) awards at the Changeover dinner.
RCC Rotarian of the Year
Special congratulations to our Rotarian of the Year, Sue Wigley, for her tireless efforts as Youth Director. A well deserved award, Sue!
Outgoing President Shawn with our Club's Rotarian of the Year, Sue Wigley!
President Shawn had a few words for all awardees as they were presented with their respective awards.
Our Club's Changeover dinner was happy and sad. Happy, because it's a new Rotary year, new President, new Board, Paul Harris Fellow awards and all the usual Changeover activities.
Sad because we said "goodbye" to our most recent Youth Exchange Student, Jonas, who was heading for home in Germany a couple of days after the dinner. 
Chris Angus was Jonas' counsellor during his stay and he noted how much Jonas has changed since his arrival almost 12 months ago. 
Jonas was leaving us, no longer a quiet shy teenager, but a young man on his way to a great future - confident and well-rounded after his time with Rotary in Australia. Chris presented Jonas with an Akubra hat to take home as a farewell gift from our Club. 
Jonas had the opportunity to address the Club and provide us with some insights about the things he has learned, seen and done during his visit - as well as attending school, of course! 
We know his parents will notice a lot of changes in the young teenager they left in our care last year, and most likely Jonas' pink hair just might have been the first thing!  
Thanks to all the host families who supported Jonas and to the Rotarians, Rotaractors and friends who made his visit so special. 
We miss you already Jonas and we wish you every success in your future. We know it will be bright!
A special award was presented by outgoing President Shawn at the Changeover dinner, on behalf of 2023-24 District Governor Andrea Grosvenor.
Our member and Rotary District 9705 Environmental Team Leader, Dr Stephen Utick, was award the honour of District Rotarian of the Year for his exceptional and unending contribution to Rotary's Environmental focus. Stephen wasn't available to attend the District Changeover to receive the award earlier in the month. 
Stephen's passion is contagious and everyone in our Club congratulates you Stephen on this well-deserved award!
Have you volunteered to help with Circus Quirkus this year?
It's that time of year again when we are preparing for our annual family entertainment event, Circus Quirkus, held for local special needs and disadvantaged children. We couldn't do it without our generous local sponsors, both individuals and businesses that cover the cost of the production and tickets for us to provide this wonderful show to entertain children of all ages (and a few adults, too!).
This year's Circus Quirkus will run on the 25th and 26th of July. Please speak with PDG Paul if you can volunteer to assist for the shows - and you get to enjoy the show as well!
After the first nine months of activity under the umbrella of the ACT Urban Services Volunteer Program, our small team of volunteers has expended over 40 hours of volunteer time in ivy removal and other activities in the English Garden section of Weston Park, Yarralumla. 
Our team consists of volunteers led by the Rotary Club of Canberra, with support from Canberra Sundowners, Canberra-Sunrise, Murrumbidgee Canberra and one volunteer from the Australian Garden History Society. We are hopeful to recruit more volunteers from the community and other Rotary Clubs in 2024.
Our ‘ivy league’ fill a bag on a Sunday afternoon in September 2023
The 2024 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) occurred at Murrumbateman NSW in January. 
Our Club sponsored two applicants this year, Michael Ye and Jannis Heinzmann. 

RYLA 2024 - President Shawn, Jannis, Michael, Peter and Sue Wigley
Since the last meeting, we have welcomed Matteo Farina to our Club. Matteo has transferred from the Rotary Club of Adelaide as he is now working in the ACT and reached out to his fellow Rotarian, PP Sandra.
Matteo won’t be able to make many regular meeting because of work commitments, though he has already assisted us with BuyCycle preparation last October and with Stephen’s Weston Park Heritage Nursery Project.
Welcome Matteo and we look forward to getting to know you! PP Sandra recently hosted Matteo for lunch on Australia Day.
We’ve also recently welcomed back Jerry Nockles and it’s been great to see Jerry at recent meetings.
There's a wonderful opportunity for all members and friends of Rotary to get down and not-so-dirty at the English Heritage Garden at Weston Park from 1pm - 4pm on Sunday 12th November. 
Rotary and friends have been volunteering to work in the garden in the last couple of months. There is more work to do and a job for everyone - no matter your skill or physical ability. 
Volunteers from our Club are encouraged for these working bees. If you can't dig or cut, we'll find something for you to do!
This is a Club sponsored project and we really want to see our members engaging in this worthwhile community project that is valuable to all. 
Please speak with Stephen on 0421 972 287 or Gaye Shenton on 0401 446 687 for more details. 
Once again, many families were delighted by the antics of the amazing troupe that constitutes Circus Quirkus when they returned to the Queanbeyan Bicentennial Hall in July.
The end of the Show!
During October, two RCC members, Gaye Shenton and Stephen Utick, worked with a small team led by CIT Horticulture Lecturer Lesley Pattinson and 2CCC Garden Guru, Pauline Cairnduff OAM, in tagging and starting identification of the rhododendron collection. The team had previously been given approval by ACT Urban Services to undertake this task that will uncover the secrets of this wonderful collection. Already considerable progress has been made through ID advice given by members of the Australian Rhododendron Society.
Pauline spoke at our Club meeting on Monday 28th November. If you missed her wonderful presentation on the Fetherston Gardens in Weston, why not catch her on 2CCC – and also head to the Gardens in Weston (Heysen Street) for an amazing walk around.
Stephen Utick with 2CCC Garden Guru Paulene Cairnduff and President Chris
It was fantastic to see Circus Quirkus return in 2022 after two years in the Covid-19 shadows. From the smiles on the faces of the children that attended and the screams of delight and laughter throughout the shows (by children, mums and dads and one or two Rotarians), it was a triumphant return! For the Rotarians that missed the opportunity to volunteer to greet the audience as they arrived - you missed a fabulous feel-good event.
Scene from the Show
Scene from the Show
We sincerely thank every sponsor who supported this wonderful initiative that assists our Club to do more good in the world - locally and further afield. We couldn't do it without you!
Several members of the District 9705 Vulnerable Youth Project / Ruby's House Governance Committee and supporters were invited to view the recently opened Ruby's House in the south of Canberra in early July. Visitors were taken on a tour of the facility by Service Provider, Conflict Resolution Service Canberra's CEO Mel Haley and Kim Bool (who spoke to our Club recently). 
Everyone was impressed with the facility and the warm, homely feel of the house. Young people were engaged in discussions about the soft furnishings, etc., within the house so it would fully meet the needs of the age group tat will be staying there. I'm sure everyone will be keen to review the outcomes of the first 12 months of operation.
Thanks to David Marshall and Alan Scandrett for facilitating the visit. 
The visitors in the external central courtyard
Lounge area
One of the bedrooms.
Our Club Changeover on the 1st July was a successful event and saw close to 80 people brave the winter chill to attend the formal and fun evening at the Commonwealth Club. After a year impacted by COVID-19 lockdowns and other restrictions, uncertainty and once again, cancellation of some of our important fundraising events, outgoing President Sandra handed the Chain of Office to PE Chris who left the event as this year's President.  

On 2nd June 2022, in capital cities and towns throughout the Commonwealth, countries celebrated Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee by lighting Beacons at 9pm. Here in Canberra, District 9705 DG Leo Farrelly and President of the Rotary Club of Canberra were invited to be involved with this significant event on behalf of all Australian Rotary Clubs.
The Australian event was organised by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and was an invitation-only event at the Marion, on the shore of Lake Burley Griffin.
President Sandra was invited to pass the lit torch to the newly elected Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Anthony Albanese. It was a small but significant event and was reflected many times in different ways, throughout Commonwealth countries.
It was an honour for Rotary to be involved on behalf of Rotarians everywhere across Australia.
Prime Minister Albanese and President Sandra
It's members of our community that work tirelessly in a number of ways that help us to do what we do - as well as the other way around! On the 9th May, it was President Sandra's honour to bestow both Amanda Paroz and Lara Ghaly, both from the Parliamentary Education Office, with Paul Harris Fellow recognition for all the work they have done tirelessly over a number of years (including pre-Covid-19) to ensure a successful RAIC (Rotary Adventures in Citizenship) program.
Amanda, President Sandra, Lara and RAIC coordinator, Natalie
About 15 RCC members enjoyed a delightful garden ramble through the English Garden in Weston Park on Sunday 31 October, taking advantage of our beautiful spring weather. Our group was privileged to have nona-generian Rotarian John Gray (from the Rotary Club of Woden), a retired heritage landscape consultant, provide us with an opening address as to the immense heritage significance of this site.
Rotarian John Gray recites the history of the beginnings of the Garden.
The Assisi Centre for Social Justice and Peace in Uganda has a very strong focus on increasing access to quality education in some of the poorest and most marginalised communities in Uganda. The Centre acts in a rights-based approach therefore, to help disadvantaged children to overcome barriers to education by eliminating the obstacles they face. To this end, the Centre works in more than 50 communities of Greater Masaka Region - in South Central Uganda, to;- improve learning infrastructures, provide free meals to pupils, and to strengthen Hygiene, Water and Sanitation facilities in schools.
Between 12th July – 10th September 2021, Assisi centre for Social Justice and Peace successfully implemented two project activities; the renovation of two classroom blocks and construction of five pit latrine stances at Bukulula Mixed Primary School in Kalungu district, Uganda. These projects were financed by contributions from our Club as well as the generosity of individual Club members and also from a District 9705 Grant.
At least one other Australian Club has offered future support and Rotary Peace Fellow Emily Nabakooza has a number of projects well worthy of recognition.
We are pleased to report that the Centre is now part of a Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) project and as such tax deductible donations can easily be made by other clubs or individuals towards assisting the Centre.
As you may know, Rotary Foundation Australia (RFA) is one of The Rotary Foundation’s eight Associate Foundations around the world. RFA enables Australians – both individuals and organisations – to make tax deductible gifts to the Foundation.
Home Page News
Her Excellency Ms Inês Maria De Almeida, Ambassador for Timor-Leste, addressed our Club on Tuesday 13th October 2020. Ambassador Almeida's presentation follows.
Timor-Leste Ambassador Her Excellency Ines Almeida, with First Secretary to Her Excellency, Sam Soares (L) and President Desmond Woods (R).
Join us...
Keen on making a contribution to your local community and perhaps even assisting those in need overseas? Would you also like to have some fun along the way with like-minded people? Why not join us?
You are most welcome to attend one of our meetings (currently alternating between Zoom and face to face) to learn more about who we are and what we do in the community, both here and abroad. Just send us an email and one of our members will be in touch with you.
In the meantime, why not scroll through our News and see what we get up to.

About our club...

Social Media
February 2025
Upcoming Events
Meeting Responsibilities
17 February 2025
Front desk
Dakin, Hugh
Meet and greet
Fatiaki, Telesia
Raffle prize
Griffin, Grif
24 February 2025
Front Desk
Dakin, Hugh
Meet and Greet
Hawley, PHF, John
Raffle Prize
Johnstone PHF, Tim

Some of our Partners in Service

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Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Mondays at 12:30 pm
Mercure Canberra
Cnr Ainslie and Limestone Avenue
Braddon, ACT 2612
We are trialling a new venue. Stay tuned here and on Facebook for any updates. We are also working to be able to offer Zoom for those who can't physically attend our meetings.
J. C. Olson Trust Relief Charity
The JCOT is a Public Fund ‘for the relief of persons in the Commonwealth of Australia, who are in necessitous and deserving circumstances’.
The J.C. Olsson Relief Trust Fund (JCOT) was named in recognition of the outstanding contribution made over many years by Rotarian Jack Colvin Olsson OAM PDG PP PHF, both nationally and internationally to the work of Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International, be remembered in perpetuity.
The JCOT qualifies under the provisions of section 78(4) of the Australian Income Tax Assessment Act with endorsements both as an ‘income tax exempt charity’ and as a ‘deductible gift recipient’.
Club Executives & Directors
International Service
Club Service
Rotary Adviser
Environment Rep