The highest form of recognition a Rotary Club can bestow is the Paul Harris Fellow. It is presented to a Rotarian or a member of the community who has made an outstanding contribution to Rotary International. The Paul Harris Fellow Program was established by Rotary International in 1957 to show appreciation and recognise individuals who contribute, or have contributions made in their name, of $US1,000 to the Rotary Foundation.
The Paul Harris recipient goes above and beyond in serving our community through promoting change and understanding.
In recognition above and beyond contributions to our Club in the last 12 months, outgoing President Shawn bestowed a number of Paul Harris Fellow (PHE) awards at the Changeover dinner.
RCC Rotarian of the Year
Special congratulations to our Rotarian of the Year, Sue Wigley, for her tireless efforts as Youth Director. A well deserved award, Sue!

Outgoing President Shawn with our Club's Rotarian of the Year, Sue Wigley!
President Shawn had a few words for all awardees as they were presented with their respective awards.
Sue Wigley – PHF plus 1 sapphire + Rotarian of the Year Award
This is someone who has made an outstanding contribution to our Club, someone who brings an amazing warmth and patience. Someone who without a doubt makes this Club a better place and those of us in it, better people.
Someone who has always made me feel more welcome in this Club (especially because I sat next to them for my first dozen meetings), someone who has made me a better President and a better person.
Their work this year has inspired young people in the Canberra community, that their postcode or the school they attend, in no way measures their worth. NYSF, RYLA, RYPEN, Kids in Space have all been driven by one person's desire to make our City a more equitable place. It is my pleasure to award them with their PHF plus one sapphire, ladies and gentlemen our Rotarian of the Year - Sue Wigley.
Phil Byrne - PHF with 4 sapphire
This is someone who provides cut through analysis, sober advice and couples it with an ability to get things done and to do them well. This year, particularly their outstanding contributions to our Club's work in the international space, our International Director Phil Byrne.

Gaye Shenton - PHF pin plus certificate
I was absolutely gobsmacked to learn, I’d be presenting this individual with their first PHF, I still don’t think it's accurate…
This PHF is presenting to someone who is selfless through and through. Someone who devotes their time to the service of others and epitomises what it means to be a Rotarian. This person has been so kind and supportive, they sign up for anything and everything and their contribution to Rotary increases in greater magnitude when their voluntary work for the Foundation comes into consideration. I am honoured to present Gaye Shenton, with her first PHF.

Hugh Dakin - PHF plus 5 sapphire
My next PHF recipient is awarded for their perseverance, diligence and for being one of my favourite guest speakers. It's my pleasure to award a PHF plus 5 Sapphires to Hugh Dakin.

Sandra Turner – PHF plus 1 sapphire
For their tireless efforts, always putting their hand up to help, always rocking up to events and striving to make our Club a better place. Their passion for our Club is genuine and their support has been invaluable to our Board this year.

Ash Marshall - PHF pin plus certificate.
This next PHF goes to someone whose vision inspires me. Someone who candidly sees where we are and can articulate where we need to go. I am also grateful for this individual's hard work on the Board this year, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard them decline a job or complain. But I’m also a lot more excited for where they’ll be taking us in the next 12 months.

Libby O’Brien – PHF pin plus certificate
An unsung hero of the district, someone who has worked on youth programmes such as MUNA, NYSF, RYLA. Someone who has spent the last six years working across our District, on projects with clubs like Gungahlin, Queanbeyan, Belconnen, Canberra Murrumbidgee and Wagga Wagga. Someone who provides me with countless hours of unpaid advice and support and has happily listened to me whinge and complain.

Helen Moore – PHF plus 4 sapphire
[Someone who is always working behind the scenes and always has the Club's best interest at heart. This person has worked with the District as well again this year and there's always time to add something else in. The Club wouldn't run without a Secretary and this award goes to Helen Moore for her tireless support.]

Rotarian of the Year - Sue Wigley